Monday, January 10, 2011

Welcome to Our Blog

Well finally I made the time to sit my behind down at the computer and set up our “Taylor Family Blog”.  I have thought for a while now that it would be fun to write a Blog but never having been the most imaginative or creative writer I refrained from doing so.  I never excelled at English when I was at school; I was more in to History and Politics.  There was also the little factor of “What could I Blog About?”
However with my increasing boredom and I have to say little annoyance at Facebook, the number one “Social Networking” site but with a need to still keep our overseas family informed on what the kids get up to, I suddenly had a brainwave.  What better subject to write a Blog about than my own family and really how imaginative do I have to be with two young children’s stories to tell?
I admit I was turning into a Facebook Whore (I can’t take credit for that term, I stole it from someone but I just LOVE it).  Some days I would update my status ten times a day and let’s be honest most of it really was a lot of crap.  I was reaching a point in my life where I couldn’t make decisions for myself before first running it past the Facebook Community.  I would even take my mobile phone to the toilet with me on midnight visits to the little ladies room and be Facebooking whilst on the loo.  Then one day as I was scrolling down my Facebook homepage I suddenly thought “Gee people moan quite a LOT on here” (sorry people but you really do).  I then turned my attentions to my profile page and thought “Hang on a minute, GEE I REALLY MOAN A LOT on here”.
So with the New Year came my new use of Facebook.  I will now primarily be using it as a photo sharing site and to check in on some of the great groups and pages that are on there.  Of course I will still be reading and commenting on my wonderful Facebook friends activities, some of your posts really have me in stitches some days and keep me sane whilst home with these two crazy, awesome children of mine.  My own activity and posts will be somewhat reduced.
So if you are reading this, then welcome to our Blog.  My intentions are to write a few posts a month informing my family or anyone else who may be interested, on what the kids have been up to, how they are progressing and any plans we may have.  I am also thinking of writing “Louise’s Weekly Rant”.  My Facebook friends have probably noticed that I like to have a moan at things now and again.  Usually these rants are in jest and just to amuse myself more than anything but now and again they have some substance (or then again maybe they don’t).
Bear with me as I find my way around the site and change my mind on layout 100 times.  And all that remains is a volunteer to teach my mother how to use the site.  Come on now, don’t all rush at once.